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Explore the city

Like all European cities, Lisbon is dripping with history. You can't turn a corner without coming across a castle or a UNESCO World Heritage Site. However, in recent years, the city has experienced a significant renaissance as a result of the influx of young creatives who are attracted by the city's unique lifestyle. The end product is a celebration of Portugal's distinctive culture both in the present and with echoes of the numerous kingdoms and armies who dominated the cities in ages past.


*Click on the images to find out more!

Eat like a local

The food in Portugal is made with simple ingredients that are impeccably prepared.  You’ll find many regional Portuguese dishes across the city, emphasizing fish, seafood, meat, olive oil, bread, tomato, herbs & spices. It’s a Mediterranean-based cuisine that makes use of a wide variety of spices, many of which came from Portugal’s former colonies. The flavors are fresh and wholesome. And, the local wines and beverages to wash everything down are extensive. If you want to know what to eat in Lisbon, don’t miss traditional Portuguese food. 

Bom apetite!

*Click on the images to find out more!

Learn a few words

Hello: Ola

Goodbye: Adeus

Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening: Bom Dia/Boa Tarde/Boa Noite

Sorry: Desculpe

Please: Por favor

Thank you: Obrigado (if you're a man); Obrigada (if you're a woman)

Water/Coffee/Beer/Wine: Agua/Cafe/Cerveja/Vinho

Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner: Pequeno-almoco/Almoco/Jantar

The bill, please: A conta, por favor

Yes/No: Sim/Nao

Can you help me?: Pode ajudar-me?

I don't speak Portuguese: Nao falo portugues

Do you speak English?: Fala ingles?

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